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Slide fastener in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-03-01Updated:2024-03-01
Similar words: fastenerfastenedunfastenedfastenfasten onunfastenfasteningunfasteningMeaning: n. a fastener for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tab. 
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1. He called the zipper a slide fastener.
2. With the imported most advanced production equipment of slide fastener in the world, it boasts the production service of the chain of mesh-belt, dyeing, teeth mounting and electric plating , etc.
3. The utility model is suitable for production of slide fastener, and has convenient operation, high production efficiency and high automation degree.
4. The successful design of the automatic slide fastener assembly machine depends on the successful design of the assembly machine to much extent.
5. A convenient pant is characterized in that a run-through opening is arranged from a crotch to a front and back waist and the opening is provided with a slide fastener so as to close the opening.
5. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
6. The quality of the gallus was well endured with strength, the connection was fastness, and the slide fastener and agraffe was made of metals with well qualities.
7. Introduces the steps, processes and means in the design of the automatic slide fastener assembly machine by applying with morphological analyses.
8. The specific step and process are introduced in detail with the adoption of this method in the design of the automatic slide fastener assembly mach...
9. Report is very poor, next that is to say some dresses fade is very fierce, it is quality again next, wear a few days to have a ball, it is off line again next, or slide fastener will be broken.
10. The specific step and process are introduced in detail with the adoption of this method in the design of the automatic slide fastener assembly machine.
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